otel-k8attributes install


mode: daemonset


  repository: otel/opentelemetry-collector-k8s


  # enables the k8sattributesprocessor and adds it to the traces, metrics, and logs pipelines


    enabled: true

  # enables the kubeletstatsreceiver and adds it to the metrics pipelines


    enabled: true

  # Enables the filelogreceiver and adds it to the logs pipelines


    enabled: true

## The chart only includes the loggingexporter by default

## If you want to send your data somewhere you need to

## configure an exporter, such as the otlpexporter




     endpoint: "instana-agent.instana-agent.svc.cluster.local:4317>"




       exporters: [ otlp ]


       exporters: [ otlp ]


       exporters: [ otlp ]

helm repo add open-telemetry https://open-telemetry.github.io/opentelemetry-helm-charts

helm install otel-collector open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector --values values.yaml -n otel-collector