Agent Install with Open Telemetry

I run a Kubernetes Cluster with Instana Agent with Open Telemetry Enabled. Installed with Helm .

Helm Install Command for Instana Agent :

microk8s helm install instana-agent --namespace instana-agent --repo --set agent.key=qUMhYJxjSv6uZh2SyqTEnw --set agent.downloadKey=qUMhYJxjSv6uZh2SyqTEnw --set agent.endpointHost='' --set agent.endpointPort=1444 --set'microk8s' --set'microk8s' --set opentelemetry.grpc.enabled=true --set opentelemetry.http.enabled=true instana-agent

Open Telemetry Install :

I started with logs my values.yaml file :

mode: daemonset


  # enables the k8sattributesprocessor and adds it to the traces, metrics, and logs pipelines


    enabled: true

  # enables the kubeletstatsreceiver and adds it to the metrics pipelines

  #  kubeletMetrics:

  #  enabled: true

  # Enables the filelogreceiver and adds it to the logs pipelines


    enabled: true

  #no cert verify 

  #insecure_skip_verify: true

## The chart only includes the loggingexporter by default

## If you want to send your data somewhere you need to

## configure an exporter, such as the otlpexporter




      endpoint: "instana-agent.instana-agent.svc.cluster.local:4317"


        insecure: true


        x-agent-key: qUMhYJxjSv6uZh2SyqTEnw 


      loglevel: debug




        exporters: [otlp]


        exporters: [otlp]


        exporters: [otlp]


Helm Install Command : 

microk8s helm install otel-collector open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector -n open-telemetry --values ./values.yaml